Project Tracker
SGA Governing Document Overhaul
On May 20, 2024, the SGA adopted several amendements to the SGA Constitution, as well as new Bylaws and Rules of Procedure. The change comes after reccomendations from outside consultants and a year-long effort by the SGA Presidential Task Force on Bylaw Review, consisting of SGA President Nathaniel Lowell, SGA Vice President for Financial Affairs Josh Maxwell, SGA Vice President for Academic Affairs Tess Malloy, and SGA First-Year Senator Bradley Kadets
Falstaff's Renovation
In April 2024, the SGA approved a historic investment to renovate the Falstaff's event
venue. The renovation includes new ADA compliant and gender-neutral bathrooms, a new
kitchen, and new technical equipment. The renovation effort was led by the Falstaff's
Operation Committee. The renovations will take place in several waves, with the entire
project being complete by the spring 2025 semester.
Food Pantry

In April 2024, the SGA approved Resolution 34-76: Campus Food Pantry Act. This creates a food pantry on the second floor of the Case Center. This comes after the SGA conducted a food security survery and discovered a need for a food pantry on campus. The food pantry will be open starting in the fall 2024 semester. More details, including an official name, grand openining, and ordering instructions, will be released soon.
Period Product Program
In October 2022, the SGA purchased 129 tampon and pad dispensers to be installed in all public bathrooms on campus.
Contraceptive Products
In November 2022, the SGA partnered with Health Services to eliminate costs for contraceptive
products at Health Services and provide cost assistance for IUDs and Nexplanon at
local medical practices..
Break Meal Aid

In November 2022, SGA worked with the College administration to get $15,000 in meal aid funding for students staying on campus over Thanksgiving break.
Break Transportation
In November 2022, SGA approved funding to provide Thanksgiving break transportation
services to local bus stops, train stations, and the Albany International Airport
to over 200 students
Laundry Advocacy
In January 2023, SGA collected student feedback on laundry, wrote a laundry report
with recommendations based on the feedback, and began to work through the College
shared governance system to negotiate changes to our laundry system.
Laptop Accessibility
In February 2023, SGA worked with the College administration to design, fund, and
initiate a free 24-model laptop loaning program in the library.
Pool Table
In March 2023, SGA worked with club leaders to purchase a new pool table to be placed in Case Center, Spa.
Outdoor Study Spaces
In March 2023, SGA purchased 20 ADA-accessible tables and 10 Adirondack chairs to
be placed across campus.
SGA Bylaw Review
In March 2023, SGA hired two external consultants to review SGA's internal policies
and procedures to strengthen inclusive practices and training.
CIS Vending Machine
In April 2023, SGA worked with the College administration to install a vending machine
on the first floor of CIS.
SGA Officer Compensation
In April 2023, SGA proposed a ballot iniative to give the student body the power to
decide whether or not the SGA Senate should have the authority to compensate SGA Officers.
Space Renovations
In April 2023, SGA approved summer renovation plans for SGA Club Storage and the SGA Office.