portrait of the class of 2023

Students From 70 Countries

We believe that a great intellectual community benefits from a wide range of viewpoints and experiences. With every incoming student, that community comes to life here. Our students are from 70 countries around the world. Approximately 12% are international students with non-U.S. citizenship.

Courses with a Global Perspective

Whether in anthropology or economics, mathematics or biology, courses across the С¸£Àûµ¼º½curriculum provide a global perspective. To us, a liberal arts education—an С¸£Àûµ¼º½education—is rooted in habits, practices, and skills that are at once timeless and urgently needed in our globally connected world: effective communication, strong writing ability, insightful problem-solving, creativity, and analytical thinking.

Cesky Krumlov of the Czech Republic

Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic. Photo by Jackson Lehnhart ’17.

Opportunities to Study Abroad

45% of our students study abroad, choosing from more than 150 programs around the world, from Cuba to Sri Lanka, from Mali to Madagascar. They may also participate in an exchange program with Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan; Doshisha was founded in 1875 by an С¸£Àûµ¼º½graduate, which tells you something about the history of our commitment to the international experience. And because 12% of our students are international, and we live in a region with thousands of other international college students, just being here is a little like a study-abroad experience.

Photo contest

Student International Photo Contest

Every year, the Office of Global Education asks students who’ve studied abroad/away to submit their best photos to our International Photo Contest. Check out our students’ amazing photos!