Scribner Seminar Archives
Below is a list of Scribner Seminars that have been offered since 2005. This list includes all of the Scribner Seminars that will be offered in the Fall of 2024 as well.
- 20th Century Apparel in the United States
- Across the Bridge: Turkey
- Adirondacks: Forever Wild
- Africa Through Its Changing Cinema
- African Arts
- Africa in Stereotypes
- Afterlives
- Almodóvar Dialogues
- American Buddhism
- American Dreams
- American Founding Principles
- The American (In)Justice System
- American Liberty
- American Memories
- American Musical Theater
- American Political and Activist Theater
- American Taste
- American Time Travels
- American Utopias
- Analysis of the 7 Deadly Sins
- Ancient Genes/Land of Plenty
- Ancient Medicine
- Animals in History
- Antarctica
- Are We in the Anthropocene?
- Asimov, Science and Fiction
- Awake, Sleeping or Dreaming? (London)
- "Bad" Science
- Being Your Self
- Beliefs about Social Identity
- Biotech Revolution
- Blacks in Film
- Brasilidade: Contestations and Culture in Brazil
- British Grand Tour
- British Past in Film (London)
- Broadway Musical
- Bloomsbury and Its Surroundings (London)
- Bodies and Identities
- Buddhism, Travel, Trade
- Bullock Carts to BMWs
- The Business of Food
- Buzz: The Art and Design of Caffeine
- Can Literature Save the Environment?
- Can Machines Think?
- Care of the Heart
- Challenges of Migration
- Challenges to Global Health
- Changing Our Minds
- Chaos Finds a Voice
- Children's Literature Revisited
- China and the West
- Chinese Wisdom
- Class, Race & Labor History
- Classless Society
- Classics on Film
- Climate, Science & History
- The Color of Justice
- Comics, Jesters, Satirists and Hacks: Locating British Humor (London)
- Coming of Age
- Coming of Age in London (London)
- Competition
- Contemporary British Politics from an Outsider's Perspective (London)
- Connecting Threads
- Creative Minds
- The Cultures of Climate Change
- Cycles of Marriage and Divorce
- Dangerous Earth
- Darwin, Dickens, Marx (London)
- Dead (Wo)Men Do Tell Tales
- The Debate С¸£Àûµ¼º½ Women in the Middle Ages
- The Deep Seafloor
- Democracy Inaction
- Den of Antiquities
- Den of Antiquities (London)
- Designing a Mind
- Detective Fictions, Dark Designs (London)
- Diabesity
- Digital Acting
- Digital Life
- Digital Security
- Disney's America
- Dissolving the Political Bands
- Drug Discovery
- Durable Objects
- Dynamics of Chaos
- Earth Elegies
- Earth System Evolution
- Eating and Being
- Educating Citizens for the American Republic
- Ekphrasis: Creative Writing С¸£Àûµ¼º½ Visual Art
- Endurance: Long Distance Running through the Majors
- Emerging Diseases
- Empire and Knowledge in Chinese History
- Empire Strikes Back: Imperial Ambitions of Greece, Rome, Britian and the US (London)
- Endurance: Running
- Environmental Advocacy
- Environmental Problems. Economic Solutions?
- Eros and Belonging
- The Ethics of Design
- Ethics of Tobacco & Alcohol
- European Integration
- Extraordinary Bodies
- Eyes Wide Open
- Faces of Capitalism
- The Federal Reserve
- Family Connections
- Famine, Warfare, and Plague in 14th-Century England (On- Campus and London)
- Film, Truth & Value
- Floods, Hurricanes and Forest Fires
- Food and Society
- Food Future
- Food, Groups and Mates
- Food, Self, and Society
- Forensic Science & Criminal (In)Justice
- Forest, Garden and Meaning of Life
- Forging Utopia
- Freedom Dreams
- From Chocolatl to Chocolate
- Galaxies and the Cosmic Web
- Gender and Family in Medieval and Renaissance Europe (London)
- Gendering God and "God Talk"
- Gender Benders
- Genes and Generation
- Global Health
- Gods and Monsters
- The Good Life
- The Good Life in Greek Literature and Philosophy
- The Good War
- Graven Images
- Hip Hop, Hamilton, History
- Hard Times in the Big Easy
- Head Games: Concussion Crisis
- Heretics & Visionaries
- History and Science of British Food (London)
- Hollywood's Portrayal of Science
- The Holocaust
- How Computers See
- How Do Women Look?
- How Do You Know?
- Hudson River in American Life
- The Hudson: Science, Society, and Art
- The Human Body—From Science to Society
- Human Colonization of Space
- Human Dilemmas
- Human/Machine
- Human - Nature
- Human Origins
- Humor & Laughter, Seriously
- The Idea of Freedom
- Ideal Worlds
- If the Elements Could Talk
- Images of Education
- Images of Work
- Imagination, Innovation, and the Impossible
- Imagine That!
- Imagined London (London)
- Imagining the Future
- Incarceration Nation
- In Light of Death
- Industry and Innovation
- In the Lab and on the Screen
- In the News: Science Sound Bites
- Intercultural/Global Understanding and You: Why Does С¸£Àûµ¼º½ Care?
- Ireland: Myth, Reality, Conflict, Identity
- Italian Cinema
- Italian Food & Fiction
- Italy, Fascism, and Jews
- Jane Austen, Inc.
- Japanese Animation
- Japanese Popular Culture Studies
- Jones, Croft and Ancient Aliens
- Jewish - Christian Relations
- The Killing State
- K-Pop
- Latin American Cinema and Social Change
- Latin American Cities
- Latin American Image/Reality
- LatinX Expression
- LatinX Identities
- Law, Religion, and Society
- Leather, Paper, and Lead
- Liberalism
- The Liberally Educated Leader
- Life in the North Woods
- Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Capitalism
- Liquid History: The Thames River (London)
- Lives of the Hudson
- Living in a Green World
- Location and GIS
- Love and Lust
- Made in God's Image
- Making Mathematics
- Making of the Hudson
- Making Theater in a Digital Age
- Making Things Right (On-Campus and London)
- Mapping the Social World
- Mathematics and the Art of M. C. Escher
- Media and British National Identity (London)
- Mediating the Great War (London)
- Medieval Technology
- Mind Design
- The Mind's I
- Minority Rights in Majority Driven Democracy
- Mixed Race on Stage and Film
- Modern Family, Human Bonds
- Molecular Frontier
- Molecules That Matter
- Money Matters
- Mother Russia's Daughters & Sons
- Movers & Shakers
- The Music Between Use
- Music: Mix and Remix
- Music on the Move
- Music, Race & Class
- Musical Aesthetics, Technology & Copyright
- My Online Friends
- My So Called Life
- Myth and Modernity
- Myth Conceptions
- Narcocultures
- Nature With and Without Us
- The Nature/Nurture Myth
- The Nature of Comedy (London)
- No Place to Hide
- Nonhuman Worlds
- Non-Euclidean Revolution
- Nothing Doing: The Space of Modern Thought
- Novels in the Grip of History
- Nuclear Legacy
- Numb3rs in L0nd0n
- Our Planet, Our Business
- Our Things, Our Selves
- Our World on the Move
- A Pact with the Devil
- Paint, Potential, and Power: The London Experience for American Artists (London)
- The Painters' Convention: Landscape, Still Life, Figure
- Perception and Reality
- Philosophic Basis of the American Founding
- Picturing Time
- Pixelated: The new photography
- Plagues and Their Power on Human Society
- Plastic Fantastic?
- Political Economy and Her Poor
- Political Economy and Poverty
- Politics & Eros
- Popular Kabbalah and Contemporary Culture
- Power, Protest, Embodied Resistance
- Projecting History: Post-Wall German Cinema
- Psyching Out the Stock Market
- Psychological Theories of Social Justice
- Welfare & Politics
- Queenship and Change: Wisdom From China
- Queer Performance
- Race in the Obama Era
- Radical Children's Writers
- Randomness: Logic and the Universe
- Reading Minds
- Reading British Identity in London's Museums (London)
- Reading the Cosmos
- Real Democracy
- Remaking the Hudson
- Representations of the Holocaust
- Resisting Hitler
- Rich, Free, and Miserable
- Riddles of Culture
- Ring of the Nibelungs
- River Goddesses of India
- Robot Design
- Sailing the Seas with Captain Cook
- Saratoga: People & Place, Past & Present
- Science Fiction and Religion
- Science Sound Bites
- The Search for Pattern and Symmetry
- The Seductive Figure
- Seduction of the Strange
- Self and Desire
- Serious Games: Conflict, Voting and Power
- Sex and the Ancient City
- Sexing Politics
- Sextants, Nutmeg, Maps, and Muskets
- Sexualities/Textualities
- Shakespeare was Jewish?
- Shakespeare's Ecologies
- Shocked: WWI and Modern Culture
- Sleep: A to ZZZ
- Social Class in America
- Soldiers, Diplomats and Spies
- Speculative Fiction/New Plays
- Speech! Speech!
- Sport, Self, and Society
- Sports Analytics
- Statesmen and Tyrants
- Stress and the Human Brain
- Sustainability and Social Justice
- "Swinging London": 1966 (London)
- Technology and Education
- Technology and Psychotherapy
- Tech, Environment and Society
- There's No Place Like Home
- Theater and Technology
- Thinking for Yourself
- Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Painting
- This Place, These Things
- Timely
- Transnational Women of Color Feminisms
- Travel Writing and Gender
- Truth and Value in Cinema
- An Unsettled Place: 400 Years of Remaking the Hudson
- Under the Influence
- Unexpected Math
- Urban Latin America: Aztec Spaces to Modern Places
- Vanity: From Narcissus to Nike
- Visions of the City
- Virtual Republic
- Waging War, Making Peace
- Wagner's Ring of the Nibelungs
- Walking Saratoga
- War and Peace and Eugene Onegin
- Welfare & Politics
- Warfare Today
- Water: Society, Science and the Arts
- Ways of Seeing
- We Can Work it Out
- Weird Books
- Welfare & Politics
- What's the Big Idea?
- What is Noir?
- What to Eat?
- Where Are We? (London & Campus)
- Who Governs Saratoga Springs?
- Why We Eat What We Eat
- Without Bound
- Word and Image
- World in A Town
- World Through Maps
- World Turned Upside Down
- Writing America: The Contemporary Essay